President of Conference Visits Bedfordshire, Essex & Hertfordshire District 

The visit by the President of Conference, Rev. Gill Newton, to the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District took place against the backdrop of the deepening crisis involving Israel-Palestine.  The measured and pastorally sensitive prayer specially written by the President and Vice-President in response to the suffering of Israelis and Palestinians was offered repeatedly by the District Chair during the visit in acknowledgement of the tragic events.
The President preached at the Sunday morning service at Bishop’s Stortford Methodist Church led by the minister, Rev. Gill Hulme, and afterwards spoke with many of the congregation over coffee in the spacious lounge with its comfortable sofas and coffee tables.  A tour of the redeveloped premises, which are open every day of the week, gave the President an insight into the church’s extensive ministry to the local community.  On the Sunday evening, the President preached at a circuit service of Holy Communion for the South Bedfordshire Circuit hosted at The Square, Dunstable, and led by the Superintendent, Rev. Patrick Kandeh.  On each occasion, the President’s thoughtful sermon comforted and challenged the congregation, reminding everyone of the ‘hidden treasure’ that God has prepared for us to discover in our Christian discipleship and holy living.
During her visit, the President also shared in leading two significant district events.  The district study day for preachers and worship leaders hosted by Christchurch, Hitchin, focussed on the church’s ministry of healing.  This event was planned and led by Alison Bryan, who is coordinator of the healing ministry at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, and a church member in the district. The President assisted in leading some of the sessions, sharing her own experience of presiding at healing services when in circuit ministry.  In the concluding act of worship, several people came forward to receive individual prayer for healing and the laying on of hands from Alison and Gill.
District Conference 16.10.2023The second district event was a formation in ministry conference at the Chelmsford diocesan retreat centre, arranged for probationers together with presbyters and deacons in the first ten years of ministry.  The district is fortunate in having eight probationer presbyters, each of whom is a welcome gift to their circuit.  The overall theme of the conference was the ‘hidden treasure’ to be discovered in continuing ministerial formation.  The President took as her topic The Treasures God brings to birth: The Theology of God as Midwife.  Besides the President, other speakers included Rev. Dr Andrew Wood, Rev. Dr Jonathan Dean and Stuart Watkin, learning network officer.

In what was a packed schedule, the President never tired and always took the trouble to greet and speak with as many people as possible.  She admired the spacious facilities at the district office and participated with interest in a roundtable conversation with several district officers about the work of the district.  An impromptu pastoral visit to Elmside Methodist Home in Hitchin coincided with the residents’ evening meal.  The President went round all the tables, speaking with as many people as possible, including Rev. Colin Rowe, former chair of the London Southwest District, now in his 94th year.

KD DC and GN 17.10.2023Before leaving the district, the President made a courtesy visit to Queenswood School, a Methodist independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11 to 18 near Potters Bar.  The President met with the Principal, Mrs Joanna Cameron, and the newly appointed chaplain, Rev. Kate Douglas, an Anglican priest, who previously served as curate in an Anglican-Methodist Local Ecumenical Partnership in Stevenage.  Over lunch, the President met informally and spoke happily with a large group of chapel prefects, all of whom were excited to have the opportunity to meet a woman in senior leadership in the church.

In response to a friendly question, ‘What does the President of Conference actually do?’, the President explained that hers is a ministry of presence, visitation, and encouragement.  That neat statement of purpose was amply demonstrated in Rev. Gill Newton’s presidential visit to the Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire District, during which she spent time in each of the three counties.  Her warm and engaging presence was greatly appreciated, and her effective communication of the Gospel in context were equally encouraging.  Ours is not a part of the country the President was familiar with before she visited; but we have enjoyed giving her a short introduction to the area and the people called Methodist in these counties.  The President and Vice-President of Conference make a great team.  We thank God for the President’s visit to our district, and we look forward to the visit of the Vice-President next spring.
Rev. Dr David M. Chapman
District Chair
Photograph 1:  The president and attendees at the district formation in ministry conference
Photograph 2: The president with the chaplain at Queenswood School, Rev. Kate Douglas, and the District Chair outside the school chapel